What We Do

In the past, we implemented strategic plans with a focus on increased accountability towards women-centred
and women-driven economic and political processes. Our experience demonstrates the need for an adaptive strategy that emphasizes learning and breaks free of static strategic plans. For 2019 – 2028, our strategic goal is to foster governance that is women-centred, transformative and accountable. This ten-year goal will be delivered through three strategic areas, namely:

Our Programmes

Women and Leadership

27 Years of Building and Fostering Women’s Leadership 
Since 1995, FOWODE has been a key player in the women’s movement and is part of a history that opened the way for thousands of women to have a voice in the public arena. We have trained over 20,000 women to navigate the political landscape and to elevate the impact of their leadership contributing to an increase in legislation that reflects women’s and girls’ priorities.

To replenish women’s leadership and build young women’s agency, FOWODE has mentored over 800 young leaders in alternative and transformative leadership since 2004. Our work has birthed bold transformational young women leaders that have strategically positioned themselves to promote women and girls’ rights. We believe that it is critical to create a new generation of leaders with the ability to confidently advance gender equality, social justice and to shape agendas.

To nurture a supportive environment for women to thrive in leadership, FOWODE engages communities to address patriarchal cultural and traditional stereotypes that inhibit women from achieving their full potential.

The programme focuses on;

  • Building a critical mass of bold, value-driven and transformative women leaders.
  • Conscientisation of citizens on constitutionalism, women and girls’ rights.
  • Influencing the policy and legislative environment to promote women’s effective participation and leadership.

Programme Outcomes
Outcome 1: Women leaders championing gender equality andsocial justice in their spheres of influence.

Outcome 2: Women and girls effectively participating in decision making processes.

Outcome 3: Gender responsive laws, policies and programs developed & implemented at national and local level.

Gender and Economic Justice

FOWODE has been a consistent player in advocacy for Gender Equality and Equity in macroeconomic policy and pioneered Gender Budgeting in Uganda in 1998. Through our gender budget work, we have been advocating for equitable distribution of resources between women and men, girls and boys. We use an integrated approach of research, enhancing capacities of technocrats and legislators to understand the importance of mainstreaming gender in plans and budgets, lobbying relevant stakeholders and empowering citizens to understand their role in the planning and budgeting processes and to demand for equitable service delivery. Our advocacy has resulted into increased resource allocation for women, girls and youth issues, improved service delivery and enhanced accountability by duty bearers. Our greatest achievement has been the adoption of gender budgeting by government through the inclusion of a requirement for a Certificate of Gender and Equity in the Public Finance and Management Act (PFMA 2015).

The programme focuses on:

  • Engaging fiscal policy with emphasis on resourcing, allocation and representation
  • Sustaining grassroots organizing through our tested and proven Village Budget Club model for improved gender accountability
  • Strategic engagement with critical stakeholders for accountable and inclusive macroeconomic policy

Programme Outcomes

Outcome 1: Consistent and structured engagement by women in economic policy formulation and implementation at all levels.

Outcome 2: Gender and Equity responsive generation, allocation and utilization of public resources.

Institutional Development Engagement and Sustainability

A Strong Foundation for Building and Nurturing Women’s Empowerment

FOWODE grew from an idea, and has over the last 23 years grown into a respected thought leader on women’s leadership and gender equality. We have strategically positioned ourselves as an organization campaigning for women with voice, power and resources engaging effectively in governance.  We continue to be a key player in galvanizing collective power to drive national action on women’s empowerment and gender equality. Through our initiative and ingenuity, we have collectively worked towards gender transformative change. The organization’s programming has grown from a specific focus on women in political leadership to influencing economic policy, movement building, nurturing young transformational leaders and engaging on macroeconomic governance. The organization has built robust systems and structures that have enabled delivery on her mandate. The organization has 35 permanent staff and is planning to grow her numbers in view of her movement building work.

The programme will focus on:

  • Providing thought leadership on innovative solutions for women’s empowerment
  • Cultivating organizational capacity to catalyze gender transformative governance
  • Ensuring growth and sustainability of the organization

Programme Outcomes

Outcome 1: FOWODE, a respected thought leader on women’s empowerment

Outcome 2: Organizational capacity for gender transformative governance enhanced

Outcome 3: A growing, independent and sustainable organization

Our Strategy

In the past, we implemented strategic plans with a focus on increased accountability towards women-centred
and women-driven economic and political processes. Our experience demonstrates the need for an adaptive strategy that emphasizes learning and breaks free of static strategic plans. For 2019 – 2028, our strategic goal is to foster governance that is women-centred, transformative and accountable. This ten-year goal will be delivered through three strategic areas, namely:

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